Throughout the month of August, Portland area parents are keeping an eye on the calendar. In addition to fitting in any final summer activities, most are getting their children ready to go back to school. Amidst all the shopping, reviewing class schedules, and other planning that is taking place, it is important to address issues that could impact your child’s safety. This includes reviewing transportation arrangements for getting your child to and from school each day. Our Portland personal injury lawyer offers to protect them, regardless of how they travel.
Transportation Safety For Children Heading Back To School
For students in the Portland Public School system, classes resume at the end of August. In addition to ensuring your child has what they need to start the school year off on the right foot, one of the most important issues to address is making sure they get to and from classes safely.
Transportation-related accidents pose a major threat and could leave your child suffering serious personal injuries. The National Safety Council (NSC) recommends reviewing travel plans well in advance and offers the following tips to help protect your child:
For Walkers
Living close enough to walk to school is a real convenience for some families. However, pedestrian accidents in Portland are unfortunately common, and children are among the most frequent victims. Parents are encouraged to take the following precautions:
- Go over the route your child will be walking;
- Be aware of any potential high-traffic areas;
- Remind children to remain on sidewalks at all times and cross only at designated intersections;
- Make sure that the school posts crossing guards along routes;
- Have your child wear light, bright colors to increase visibility;
- Advise them never to assume a driver sees them or will step;
- Accompany students, particularly younger ones, the first days or weeks back.
For Bicyclists
In addition to being one of their favorite hobbies, bicycling provides a primary means of transportation for many children heading back to school. To prevent bicycle accidents in Portland and the serious personal injuries that often result, follow these tips:
- As with children who are walking, review your child’s bicycle route well in advance;
- Encourage them to stay off busy streets and cross only at designated intersections;
- Make sure their bicycle is in good working order, checking tires, chains, and other parts;
- Teach them bicycle hand signals and encourage them to use them;
- Remind them to follow all traffic rules and regulations, such as stopping at red lights and riding with the traffic flow;
- Advise them to use extra caution when crossing driveways or riding through parking lots.
For Children Who Take The Bus
The NSC advises that buses are one of the safest ways for children to travel back and forth to school. Whether they rely on public transportation or take buses provided by the school district, make sure that safety is the top priority:
- Avoid rushing to get to the bus stop;
- Stand at least three big steps back from the school;
- Form a single file line as the bus approaches;
- Go slow and use caution when boarding;
- Find a seat and avoid loud noises while the bus is in motion, which could distract the driver;
- Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop;
- When getting off, make sure the bus driver sees you and avoid crossing directly in front of the bus.
For Children Who Are Driven To School
Driving your children to and from school may seem the safest option, but it actually poses the greatest risks. To prevent car accidents and injuries, follow these tips:
- Avoid rushing when driving children to or from school;
- Avoid distractions, such as talking on cellphones, checking emails, or drinking coffee;
- Review pick-up and drop-off locations provided by the school;
- Avoid dropping off or picking up children any place other than designated locations;
- Keep an eye out for other children who may be biking, walking, or exiting vehicles and crossing through school parking lots.
Our Portland Personal Injury Lawyer Is Here To Help
As a parent, protecting the health and safety of your children is a top priority. At the Johnston Law Firm, we are here to help. When personal injuries happen, we provide the caring support and professional legal representation you need to hold those at fault accountable. To request a consultation, call (503) 546-3167 or contact our Portland personal injury lawyer online today.