In the Community
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Toy Drive
December, 2021
We’re proud to support Toys For Tots! Our toy drive contributed over 60 TOYS and over $500 to the charity this year, and we had a lot of fun doing it!
Marc Johnston Awarded
Volunteer Of The Year by OTLA
November, 2021
We’re proud to announce that our founding attorney Marc Johnston was recently given the Volunteer Of The Year Award by the Oregon Trial Lawyers Association. Marc created and directed OTLA’s volunteer efforts, consisting of dozens of volunteers, to assist last year’s fire victims. The program helped over 200 families that needed help and support and guidance through the process of filing insurance claims and getting their lives back on track. Congratulations Marc!
Click here to read the transcript from Marc’s acceptance speech.
Youth Sports Coach
November, 2021
As an avid player himself, Marc has enjoyed coaching youth basketball and volleyball for several years. Marc grew up playing on championship basketball and baseball teams, and is a college basketball fan.
Marc Johnston & OTLA
Included in February Issue of Trial Magazine
February, 2021
Marc was recently featured in the February 2021 issue of TRIAL magazine. The article, written by Maureen Leddy, talks about Marc coming up with the idea for the pro bono clinics after seeing evacuees along roadways and at gas stations, and cars packed with possessions with nowhere to go. “I knew we had to move quickly,” Marc said, who contacted OTLA leadership about helping fire victims with filing property insurance claims. OTLA and AAJ stepped up and offered resources like a series of free videos for homeowners, businesses and renters who were affected by the Oregon wildfires.
Marc Johnston & OTLA Pro Bono Efforts Highlighted in Oregon State Bar Bulletin
December, 2020
Marc was recently featured in OSB’s BULLETIN Dec 2020 issue. The article, written by freelance writer Melody Finnemore, describes how the legal community stepped up and responded to unique issues faced by Oregonians this year including the wildfires that burned more than 1 million acres statewide, destroyed homes and took lives. Marc and his family were forced to evacuate their home in Clackamas County when wildfires approached. Marc was among the OTLA members who organized a pro bono effort to help the families affected by the wildfires. Read the full article here.
Marc Johnston Announced as Regional Captain for the Clackamas County Pro Bono Efforts for Oregon Wildfire Victims
October, 2020
Marc Johnston and his family were evacuated during phase 2 of Clackamas County evacuations and saw how traumatic and devastating these wildfires have been to people living throughout Oregon. As a trial attorney, Marc’s entire life’s work has been devoted to helping people and he knew that his fellow associates in the Oregon Trial Lawyers Association would answer the call and volunteer time and resources to help Oregonians in need. Over 70 attorneys have joined the cause in offering Pro Bono legal resources in the communities hit the hardest by the recent wildfires.
At Johnston Law Firm, it is our hope that we, along with our brothers and sisters at OTLA, can help wildfire victims throughout Oregon get back on their feet by helping them obtain the help they deserve from their insurance companies. To learn more, we invite you to watch the following interview Marc Johnston had with Salem City Councilor Vanessa Nordyke, in which they go over the basics of working with insurance companies: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=829362484471553
Johnston Law Firm Receives Top-Ranked Designation From Expertise.com
September, 2020
Marc Johnston was listed among the “Best Car Accident Lawyers in Portland”, an award given to highly-skilled and reputable professionals by Expertise.com. The selection process involves in-depth research into a business’ reputation, qualifications, experience, engagement and professionalism.
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Sally Martinez
– Michelle E.
Mr. Johnston and his firm were incredibly thorough in getting us a fair settlement from our insurance company with little to no pressure. We really appreciated having someone who truly cared about us every step of the way. I would highly recommend the Johnston Law Firm to anyone in need of personal injury representation.
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