Personal injuries in Oregon can happen due to various causes. Even a seemingly minor accident could leave you suffering serious harm. In addition to the immediate medical care you need, you may require months or even years of treatment and rehabilitation. When your injuries happen due to negligence on the part of others, you have the right to seek compensation for your costs.
Maximum medical recovery is a common term in personal injury cases. It refers to the point at which any ongoing impairments are likely to result in permanent disabilities. Our Oregon personal injury lawyer explains how settling prior to this point could impact your rights and may leave you paying heavy out-of-pocket costs.
How Personal Injuries In Oregon Happen
Oregon Injury Prevention Data indicates that close to 300,000 people visit hospital emergency rooms throughout the state due to accidental injuries each year. Motor vehicle crashes are a common cause and can impact drivers, passengers, bicyclists, pedestrians, and other road users. Slips and falls, getting struck by or against objects in public places, and sports or recreational accidents are also common. Personal injuries they often result in include:
- Broken bones and multiple fractures;
- Sprained or torn muscles and tendons;
- Severe cuts and bruising;
- Burns;
- Internal injuries;
- Traumatic brain injuries;
- Injuries to the spinal cord or column.
Holding Those At Fault Accountable For Personal Injuries In Oregon
According to the University of Oregon, it can take long months or even years to recover from certain types of personal injuries. One of your first steps in the immediate aftermath of an accident, in addition to notifying the proper authorities, should be to seek medical attention.
Follow all your doctor’s instructions regarding treatment and activity restrictions, and attend all follow-up visits. They will let you know when you have reached a level of maximum medical recovery. This generally means:
- You have a firm diagnosis of your injuries;
- Diagnostic tests have revealed the full extent of harm suffered;
- You have undergone all recommended treatments, including physical therapy;
- You continue to suffer ongoing impairments, which are likely to result in permanent disabilities.
Wait To Reach Maximum Medical Recovery Before Settling Your Claim
While generally attributed to ‘accidents’, personal injuries in Oregon typically happen due to the negligence of others involved. This means they either took reckless actions that put you at risk or failed to take what would otherwise be considered reasonable precautions. Under the Oregon Revised Statutes, you have the right to hold them liable for your costs/
You may be entitled to compensation either through insurance policies they have in place or by filing a personal injury lawsuit against them in court. However, before settling, make sure you reach maximum medical recovery. Settling too soon could leave you paying out-of-pocket for the following:
- Ongoing medical care, including tests, treatment, medications, and physical therapy;
- Future lost earnings and benefits if your injuries prevent you from working in the years to come;
- Pain, suffering, and lost enjoyment in life, in the event long-term impacts prevent you from engaging in your favorite hobbies and activities.
How Long Does It Take To Reach A Level Of Maximum Medical Recovery From Oregon Personal Injuries?
You have up to two years after your accident to file a personal injury claim through the Oregon Courts. In addition to giving your attorney time to investigate and gather evidence in your case, it allows you to reach maximum medical recovery.
Of course, the exact amount of time required to fully diagnose your condition and determine whether you will fully heal varies. In most cases, you should have a general idea within six to nine months. During this time, it is important to follow these tips:
- Undergo any testing or treatment recommended by your doctor;
- Refrain from working or other prohibited activities;
- Avoid speaking to insurers or legal representatives for the at-fault party without your own attorney present;
- Avoid discussing your case with others or posting about your injuries, the progress of your claim, or other activities on social media.
Contact Our Oregon Personal Injury Lawyer To Request A Consultation Today
To get the total amount you need to recover from personal injuries in Oregon, consult the Johnston Law Firm before accepting any settlements. We protect your rights and help you get the maximum amount you are entitled to, preventing future out-of-pocket costs. Give us a call at (503) 546-3167 or contact our Oregon personal injury lawyer online to request a consultation today.