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Oregon City PERSONAL
INJURY Attorney

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Personal Injury Lawyer Handling
Injury Claims in Oregon City, OR


Oregon City, Oregon, is a small city of approximately 31,000 residents located on the Willamette River. It is part of the Portland metropolitan area. When the city was established in 1829, it became the first city in the United States west of the Rocky Mountains to be incorporated. Popular attractions in and around Oregon City include the Museum of the Oregon Territory, the End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, the Stevens Crawford Museum, and many historic homes that were established during the days of America’s westward expansion on the Oregon Trail. The city also boasts more than 22 public parks that feature a variety of amenities and host multiple festivals and concerts every year.

Oregon City has a lot to offer to residents and visitors alike. Like most other American cities, its points of interest are reachable by car and on foot. And like many other American cities, individuals walking and driving through Oregon City’s streets can be injured in accidents with pedestrians and other drivers. If you are injured in this type of accident, you can seek compensation for your losses with aid from a car accident lawyer. To do this, you will need to work with him or her to file a personal injury claim.

Crosswalk Accidents
in Oregon City

Pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks and motorists must stop when approaching pedestrians crossing in their lane of travel. When a motorist fails to stop or a pedestrian or bicyclist enters a crosswalk without looking carefully for oncoming traffic, a collision can occur and result in injuries to the pedestrian, the driver, and the driver’s passengers. Sometimes, other cars can be involved in this type of accident as well.

If you have suffered from a pedestrian injury, you could have grounds for a personal injury claim. A personal injury claim requires interaction with the negligent party’s insurance provider as well as your own. This is why it is important to work with an experienced insurance lawyer to pursue the compensation you need to cover your expenses related to your injury. These might include expenses like medical bills, the need for help with mobility and personal errands as you recover, lost wages due to having to spend time out of work, and any miscellaneous needs like bandages, over-the-counter pain medication, and psychological counseling to help you work through emotional trauma following the accident.

Don’t miss out on these common personal injury mistakes.

Get the legal counsel you need to guide you through the process of filing an injury claim.

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Work with an Oregon Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been injured in any type of accident in Oregon City or elsewhere in the Beaver State, work with an experienced personal injury attorney to seek monetary compensation for your losses through a personal injury claim. In a personal injury claim, your attorney works with you to prove that another party’s negligence led to your injury and helps you obtain compensation for your expenses related to the injury. Contact Johnston Law Firm, P.C. today at (503) 546-3167 to schedule your initial legal consultation with our team of experienced Oregon personal injury attorneys.

Useful Links:
Oregon City News
Oregon City Police Department


Contact Us for a FREE Consultation

If you have been seriously injured at no fault of your own, please contact us using the form.


CALL 503-546-3167 NOW